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Posted by on Jul 21, 2014 in Featured, Yoga | 1 comment

Starting a new group yoga class

Starting a new group yoga class

It will be a slow therapeutic class, working on stretching and relaxing the body. There will be a strong focus on breathing and creating body awareness. This class would be ideal to introduce students to yoga before starting more challenging classes or it can be used while recovering from an injury or a simply wanting to relax the body and mind.

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Posted by on Apr 9, 2014 in Featured, Yoga | 0 comments

My yoga journey

My yoga journey

My yoga journey started only 5 years ago. Both my husband and my step mother had been practicing and teaching for some years and had been encouraging me to experience it. I can’t even remember why I was resistant to trying it but suffice it to say, I have never been sporty and shy away from anything physical, just in case I make a fool of myself.

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